Celebrating New Life and Positive Experiences

March welcomed the birth of Trinity Farm’s newest alpaca, named Marathon. The learners have enjoyed celebrating this and were sensitive to the baby alpaca being born prematurely. The learners were extremely caring and considerate towards the needs of both the new farm addition and his parents.

A clean and safe farm is a priority, and the learners have helped to maintain this throughout. As exciting as the new arrival has been, learners have been mature and understood the importance of taking more care and attention when cleaning and caring for the animals. Whilst the baby alpaca needed to stay inside, to begin with, cleaning out the other pens around it required the learners to focus and work hard to keep the baby safe and healthy. This meant not letting any dirty water or cleaning products get into the baby’s pen. The jobs around the farm sometimes took longer than usual, but this taught the learners to adapt to the needs of a vulnerable animal in their care.

The alpaca is now able to go out into the main field with the rest of the animals which has been an amazing outcome for the learners to see. They have been a part of the premature alpaca’s growth and helped meet his essential care needs, which is to be celebrated. It gives the learners a huge sense of achievement as they have played a part in this wonderful process. The farm has always been a positive experience for the learners at Trinity and so for them to see the farm grow and develop around them has been a celebration in itself.