School Council Meet the Governors​​​​​​​

A few weeks ago, both Key Stage 3 school council and Key Stage 4 met for the first time with the Governors of Trinity Academy Newcastle.

School Council members are becoming more confident meeting with leaders of the school after meeting with Mr Flint and Mr Curley last term. They are able to assertively ask questions and articulate responses clearly to questions asked of them. It is fantastic to see leaders of the school coming together to discuss important issues and share ideas.

Council members Antonia, Kyle, Adam and Lita met with Peter and Zoe to discuss future plans for the school, safety inside and outside of school and how COVID has affected learning.

Council members told Peter and Zoe that the best part about being a learner at Trinity was the staff team. The KS3 group told Governors that, ‘Staff and Pastoral are more supportive and helpful.’ KS4 reiterated this, telling Peter and Zoe, ‘The staff are kind and nice’ Learners also shared what their favourite and worst subjects are in school as well as what they plan to do when they leave. Both Council members and Governors felt that the meeting was productive, and it was great to meet one another.

The Governors and School Council decided to meet regularly every term to share ideas and discuss changes in school with each other.