ALC Learners Showing Kindness and Thoughtfulness​​​​​​​

There is something wonderful in being able to celebrate the success of others and one of our Acorn Learning Centre (ALC) learners is particularly good at recognising the potential in her peers.

It’s the small things such as baking and not burning it, persevering when the going gets tough or the paper aeroplane that flies further than the last time that helps us celebrate emotional progress on a daily basis, and my student is particularly good at celebrating others’ achievements in this way.

Big steps have been made this term; she has worked exceptionally hard on developing social skills and stepping out of her comfort zone. It has been wonderful to see her coming out of her shell and trying new and exciting things as she is learning that she can do anything she sets her mind to! Such achievements.

Our learners here can be kind, thoughtful and really take the time to help each other out. Gaining confidence is something we all work hard on here at Trinity Academy, and learners at the ALC have been thriving in their environment.

This is something to celebrate!