Celebrating Success in the School Council

Celebrating Success in the School Council

At the end of every term or half-term, Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 school council members meet to share successes and plan for the next term. Due to COVID, last term, members had to meet digitally over Teams. One member from each team was selected to represent their key stage in the meeting.
Achievements which council members were most proud of including:

  • Training more anti-bullying ambassadors
  • Designing the year 11 leavers hoodies
  • Creating a student anti-bullying policy
  • Their voice and ideas creating changes around the school

The council members also discussed plans for the future, including how the main learner body can be involved in school council meetings, as well as meeting with school leaders to discuss important issues.
Both school council groups have worked really hard last term and under ever-changing circumstances, and it’s a positive step to take a session to celebrate achievements and look to the future.