Trinity Careers – Visit to Newcastle College

Several KS4 learners from Trinity Academy Newcastle Upper Site made a potential destination visit to Newcastle College.
They had the opportunity to experience the Uniform Services courses, which involved a trip to the simulation room.
This room is used to simulate all sorts of incidents such as Army room searches, Police crime scenes, and Emergency service accident scenes to name but a few. Don’t worry the casualty on the shoulder is actually a prop (a 40kg prop!).
We also visited the construction department to learn about Bricklaying, Carpentry and Joinery, Electrical Installation, Painting and decorating, plastering, and finally plumbing. We were all very impressed with the practical facilities that replicated real-working environments and the excellent opportunities on display.
We also got to visit the Lifestyle Academy, visit the salons, and talk about the many work placement opportunities.
Finally, we visited the Mandela building to learn about Creative Media Production and see the amazing Mac suites, FX workshop, and TV studio.
A lot of stairs were climbed, but all agreed it was worth it.