Therapeutic – Topical
This term’s therapeutic focuses at The Sanctuary will be on promoting emotional regulation and understanding behaviours.
At the Sanctuary we value Wellbeing – both for our learners and our staff members. Each week we have Wellbeing Wednesday where staff are given the opportunity to both: take time for their own wellbeing and learn further about the wellbeing of our learners.
There are many different ways that adults can help children emotionally regulate. At The Sanctuary, we value movement breaks and sensory circuits which help create good levels of alertness, concentration and bodily awareness. It is important for us as staff to show our learners practical ways to regulate their emotions. For example: having some time in the fresh air outside, exercise, breathing exercises and using comforting materials such as weighted blankets and sensory toys.
At The Sanctuary we understand that behaviour is communication. When we see different behaviours from our learners, we understand that they are trying to communicate their emotions. It is our aim to come alongside them and give them the words to express their feelings and the strategies to address them.
One of our learners enjoyed the use of the weighted blanket.