The Sanctuary | Therapeutic, Trauma-Informed Centre

At The Sanctuary, the wellbeing of our learners is our main focus. As a therapeutic, trauma-informed centre, we are interested in how they are feeling each day and what we can do to enable them to regulate their own emotions. Each child is different and unique, therefore each child’s calming strategies will look different.

Some of our learners love accessing the sensory room with all the lights, colours, textures, smells etc. Staff have witnessed first-hand the difference this space makes when a child is struggling to contain their emotions.

Other learners who access Psychotherapeutic Counselling sessions engage in Sand Tray therapy and roleplay with creative items such as toys and puppets. It’s sometimes difficult for learners (and adults!) to articulate how they are feeling verbally. In these cases, creative and playful methods can provide that emotional outlet that they need.

At The Sanctuary, we understand that our learners' circumstances are sometimes out of their control. Therefore, we seek where possible, to give them autonomy by giving them choices, options and responsibilities to flourish into the best versions of themselves.