NE Youth Christmas Card Competition

Every year learners at Trinity Academy Upper Site take part in regional Christmas card competitions held by various organisations. This year NE Youth hosted the competition which saw the largest engagement yet. Submissions will be sent by Mrs Howe to Jamie at NE Youth to be judged along with other schools.

Learners this year used their creativity to create a range of different hand-drawn Christmas card designs. There has been some great design produced this year featuring snowflakes, Santa and even football players posing as Santa Claus.

As we won’t know the outcome of the competition for some time, the learners at the upper site proposed an idea for the school council to select internal winners of the competition. The School council then collected all entries for review and have chosen three winners.

It was decided between Mr Fraser, Hannah Fleming and the school council that the prizes for the internal winners would be; 1st prize- gift voucher, 2nd prize- free lesson of activities (excluding core lessons) and 3rd prize free lesson of activities (excluding core lessons)

Winners will be presented to learners during a Friday rewards assembly.

1st Jake B

2nd Dylan C

3rd Olly P