Healthy Maths Minds
The Upper Site continued the successful ‘Drop Down Days’ today when we collapsed the timetable to support and raise awareness of an important message of #WorldMentalHealthDay.
Healthy Minds was the headline and in Mr Butler’s latest episode of ‘How does he do that in Maths’ he had students leading activities on #ProblemSolving and #EngineeringTheImpossible through fun, and challenging games.
Basing his lesson on Beat That (a fantastic family fun game) students were given challenges to hold a cup on their heads and attempt to throw a ping pong ball into it, or pick up 4 dice with chop sticks and stack them with the number 6 on the top of all the dice, and lie flat on their backs with a cup on their foreheads, and stand up without it dropping.
The aim was to engineer the impossible by thinking ‘How could I do this’ and persevere with the task in a fun way, encouraging others, laughing at simple problems but have an experience that what may be the simplest thing, can be challenging.
This was the message, to support World Mental Health day where some of our simple tasks day to day, can be challenging for those who are going through a hard time.