A New Adventure

This week, we welcomed our new learners from the Lower Site as they begin their transition to the Upper Site.

Mr Kennedy and Mr Carter made them all feel welcome with an introduction to the Upper Site which was then continued with an opportunity to meet teachers, pastoral and support staff. The learners explored the classrooms and heard about what the lessons will be like, how supported each learner will be, and the fun experiences they will share with us.

We had a good number of learners along, and they all left with optimism, and smiles.

Alongside the transition learners, we welcomed learners from years 9 and 10 to come along and find out what pathways will be on offer to them, next year.

Teachers and support staff spent time to showcase the opportunities available to them, whether it is Art, Outdoor Education, or Sport Leaders.

Overall, a successful and positive evening, and we look forward to seeing our new learners when they continue their journey at Trinity Academy Newcastle Upper Site.