Spreading Kindness this Anti-Bullying Week

Last week the upper site celebrated Anti-Bullying week. The theme this year was ‘One Kind Word’ and learners spread kindness around the school to both staff and other learners. On Monday at the upper site, we donned our odd socks for odd socks day. Alongside this both key stages attended an assembly raising awareness of bullying and unkind behaviour as well as informing the learners who the anti-bullying ambassadors were and how they can support each other to stop unkindness and bullying in school.

To celebrate anti-bullying week I would like to share some kindness from our learners last week:

  • One learner held the door open for a staff member who was carrying something for another learner.
  • After a lesson, a learner stayed behind during their break to help a teacher and support staff member tidy a classroom.
  • A learner helped a staff member put up posters in a classroom and helped her carry items to other classrooms.